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Showing posts from August, 2019

Tips to Lose Weight Five Kilos in a Realistic and Lasting Way

With these simple tricks, you can give a better approach to your weight loss plan and get a basis to continue with your new routine Many of the diets that are advertised promise surprising results in small periods of time. We would all like to lose weight a lot of kilos in a short time and with little effort, but this is something unrealistic and that, in addition, is usually accompanied by rebound effects and unhealthy practices. What we propose today is a much more realistic alternative. It is a plan that will help you lose around five kilos in a period of about a month and a half, which gives us a loss of between half and one kilo per week, a more realistic goal than those offered by miraculous diets and, above all, easier to maintain over time. Here are some clues on how to achieve this, preventing, as we say, an extreme sacrifice, without starving and in a healthy and safe way for our body. Five tricks

5 Tips to Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercising

The rhythm of daily life, our multiple occupations, haste, family, work tensions and many other factors influence the way we eat and, without a doubt, leave us without time and breath to move a single foot in a gym. What if we gave you some tips to lose weight without dieting or exercising? We know that there are no magic formulas to lose those extra pounds in the abdomen, and those that do exist usually charge very expensive bills in our health. What there are are some measures that can help you reduce body fat and, therefore, lose weight. Like everything in life, these tips require perseverance and willingness to work. If you can additionally combine them with a daily walk of 30 minutes and the reduction of sugars and carbohydrates in your meals, the results in your weight may pleasantly surprise you. Eat without haste and without distractions Allow at least 30 minutes to complete each meal. If you swallow food instead of chewing slowly, your risk of gaining weig...